April 28, 2010

On the tops of the cliffs of moher

Plenty of birds on view around the tops cliffs of moher , Raven ,choughs, Fulmar, Kittiwake, Wheater ,Rock pipit and asmall family of Feral goats with kids

April 23, 2010

Little yellow birds

Theres something about these little Yellowhammers , fantastic colours , a specialist and a surviver. Nice to get a count of 9 - 15 birds coming and going `after a harsh winter` feeding in a small paddock on horse grain,

April 19, 2010

A spring song

On the Burren,A male Blackcap sings , claiming territory and an advertisment to the females.... "Im here and avalible"
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April 17, 2010

Great northern diver at Treacht beach

A Great northern diver at the in between stage of plumage, scruffy now, but in a few weeks it`ll be a strikingly graceful bird.
Treacht beach , early, 15 diver and over 50 meganzer
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April 16, 2010

A Clahane mid april

The shoreline at Clahane at this time of year abundant in birds. Whimbrel , Ringed plover , Golden plover , Purple sandpiper, White wagtail and numerous Gulls all roosting and feeding here

Rock Pipit ( littoralis)

A possible Scandanavian rock pipit at Clahane, passing through this feeding area that so many birds depend on
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April 14, 2010


A Spoonbill roosting in a remote part of Galway bay , A rare site in this part of the world, maybe the warm recent weather invited the bird a bit further north than usual..

April 12, 2010

Willow warblers

Spring.Willow warblers are some of our first summer visiters, flitting through the bushes with a light song

April 6, 2010


A count of 15 Yellow bunting in a field on the Burren , these resident birds are becoming rare due to habitat lose.

April 2, 2010

90 Brent geese

A flock of 90 Brent geese are feeding North Lahinch bay

Pied wagtail `yarrellii`

A pair of  Pied wagtails courting at Clahane.