April 28, 2019

Fallow Deer

The Fallow Deer 
A Buck and two Does,can be found in mature deciduous or mixed woodlands which are close to open grassland. The pattern of habitat can change throughout the year depending on the season or the area in which the deer are located providing different foraging opportunities. Therefore fallow deer will sometimes be seen in marshland or on open meadows.

April 21, 2019

Spring at Loop Head with Dolphins

Surprisingly it was quiet on The Loop for a Sunday morning.
I wandered behind the lighthouse checking for birds.
While watching a Chiffchaff and a Robin along the fence a Lesser Whitethroat flew over my shoulder and into the bracken beside briefly, moving off ,after 20 mins it came back but stayed low and was impossible to get a shot of.
I sat at the tip of Loop enjoying the peace and a calming ocean with a pod of Bottle nose Dolphins for viewing."magical".
A few Wheatear were about as the song of the Skylark, A Peregrine was on a post surveying the Fodry .
A Purple Sandpiper was a Ross bay

April 11, 2019

Viviparus Lizard

Ive always enjoyed interaction with reptiles, which living in Ireland makes quite difficult.
This Viviparus Lizard (Ireland`s only reptile species) was basking/shedding in the sunshine, a welcome visitor to the garden

April 3, 2019

Moyasta creek - Hen Harrier

I was looking over Poulnasherry bay from Moyasta creek , not much wildfowl about, 2 Pintail were among a handful of Wigeon and Teal, 6 Little Egret were bunched up on the bank.
One Greenshank was on the mudbanks.
As I looked back to talk to my Dad a speedy Male Hen Harrier came over the bridge round the gardens over the creek and out west -- Gone!
Crappy records shots but Hey Nice bird.