July 27, 2024

Shearwater morning off the Bridges of Ross

 Up early, and there seemed no wind, so I decided on going to Lahinch swimming Pool for a morning swim. As I came to the coast at Lahinch a steady west wind was blowing so I motored down the coast and was at the Bridges of Ross by 7:30am. 

You know ITS ON when see the Cory`s Shearwaters passing from the carpark......

When I got to the headland ,Brian Mac and Sean Holland were the early birds seawatching from the hollow and both were wearing big smiles due to the quality of birding that was on offer.

Over the morning over 2000 Cory`s had past by along the Manx line, which today was the Cory`s line which is close in for big Shearwaters, over a 100 Great Shearwaters were in the mix with a 20 or so Sooty Shearwaters on top of our local Manxies 

A Wilson Storm Petrel passed by at 10;30

Storm Petrels were also numerous with a count of over 50

Cory`s Shearwater

Great Shearwater


July 17, 2024

Common Terns Lough Atedaun

 A pair of Common Tern were hawking the Lily pads and resting on the lake boulders at Lough Atedaun during the afternoon

The water is low and vegetation is high. Hundreds of Mute Swan and Mallard were along the edges on the far side with Curlews and Lapwing

A female Kestrel was chaperoning a youth high above calling, as were Willow Warblers in the hedgerows