December 28, 2012

Otter on the pier

An Otter was very active around Liscannor pier. At one point while thinking ahead and  getting into a position for a photo the Otter walked up the pier steps to me...had a look at me and went back was then scared off by someone standing in the open above me trying to film it via a viewcam on an ipad while shouting...ill say no more.

December 26, 2012

Little Egret

A Little Egret searches for food in a flooded field

December 10, 2012

Dipper roosting

It was nearly dark when I spotted a Dipper roosting on the cascades .
With a 5 sec shutter speed in TV and 100iso , i grabbed a bit of available light and  try something new.

Cascades ,still ,cold

A late cold Deember evening. The air was still ,the river was in good flow , darkness approaches .

Icy and Glassy

Pure Glass on a n icy Irish mornning

December 5, 2012

On a Pond

On a pond that I visit when driving bye were juvenile Tufted Ducks , a few Coots and Little Grebes were around the edges of the pond  and a small flock of Redpoll were feeding on seed in the scrub nearby. A winter feeling

December 1, 2012

Black throated Divers

Rafts of Black throated Diver have arrived for winter in Galway bay . Not a bird that you photo close up, these birds tend to be 1/2 mile out on most occasions , but being new arrivals Id say they are checking out the fishing grounds , bringing them closer to shore. I got to see over 30 of these rare Divers off Gleninagh Pier , Ballyvaughan.

November 26, 2012


I headed out and about on a text message that said there had been a sighting of a Waxwing in Ennis ...
Wandering the Tulla rd  in a part of Clare i was not familiar with, I came across 35 + Waxwings that were feasting on a berry tree , for a time they seemed to be  everywhere ,calling a moving through surrounding trees.
 The birds were superb and a joy to photograph

Otter at Clahane

An Otter passes close to the shoreline at high tide Clahane , always a nice moment

November 12, 2012

Purple sandpipers.. "Close up"

A few days have passed since my last visit to Seafield and I was keen to find out if any more Purple Sandpipers have arrived. Today I counted 42, but there may have been more...with 4 colour ringed birds
While watching the shoreline the sun came out and was giving good light, so I took the opportunity  for some photos.

November 9, 2012

Purple Sandpipers arrival

22 Purple sandpipers have arrived for winter at Seafield , some of these birds I recognise from last year due to the colour ringing scheme that the birds are involved in , more birds will arrive over the coming week and we should hopefully see over 100 birds.

November 7, 2012

The Kestrel..Like Father like son

Cornish Kestrel
Irish Kestrel
On the 5th of November my father sent me a photo of a Kestrel that he taken in Corwall England that morning...The same morning I also photod a Kestrel at Lahinch beach ,Clare ,Ireland.
Like father like son..enjoying a fine day out.

November 1, 2012

Clahane evening

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A bit of local birdwatching at Clahane was nice to end to the afternoon , a small flock Golden Plover were at the far reef , a snipe was near the reeds of the flooded field , the usual gathering of Rock pipits were along the wall with the high tide. Good numbers of  Great northern divers are coming in Liscannor bay.

October 30, 2012

Red breasted Flycatcher

With this juvenile Red breasted Flycatcher being small and elusive in a no entry garden, Drizzle and showers & 4 kids in the car I didnt believe I would see this bird let alone get a photo or two .Fifteen  patient  minutes watching and I spotted it from the road just in the area where John Murphy said I would see it
 Gerry the owner of the field next to the garden gave me permission to to use the field to help me find the bird, a few psshts and the bird showed a bit better..
Gibsons garden ,Kilbaha