January 24, 2015

Ring necked Duck

This is my first iPhone blog post.. Due to laptop damage.
Anyhow it was nice to catch up with the stunning Ring necked Duck on Roo lough.
not the best pic as my time was limited due to a frisky Bull.

January 18, 2015

Long tailed Duck -seafield

It was nice to get a fine day after the recent weather.
I headed to Seafield for a beach walk , and to see the wintering waders, etc
A Long tailed Duck was off the harbour depth ,ducking and diving, feeding up after recent storms at sea

January 11, 2015

16 Tree Sparrows

Very nice to catch up on this Tree Sparrow flock outside of Doonbeg.
They were feeding in a sloppy stoney field which must have some grain in.
Possibly the only flock of these rare resident birds we have in the county.
Very aware , and dont let you close to get photos.

Lesser Yellow legs

The Leser Yellowlegs is a north american species of wader and a vagrant on our shores
This bird arrived  at Moyasta creek back in november, at that time I spent quite a few days viewing the bird but was not able to get a photo.
News was out that this bird was still at the creek, so I chanced my arm in getting just these ID shots.
It still proves difficult to photo.

Liscannor Harbour sunset

After surfing the west swell on the afternoon of the 3rd I headed over to Liscannor harbour to enjoy a sunset

January 1, 2015


 This  Robin has been visiting my garden for a few weeks now , and is becoming to trust me more and more each day, it watches my actions all the time,if I move the bin it checks the ground for food ,if I move the logs it checks for food and  always 1st to the bird table