March 28, 2017

Doughmore Beach

I was down the coast looking for surf.
Doughmore beach was showing well on a beautiful spring morning.

Meadow Pipit

Rock Pipits -March, Clahane

At Clahane Rock Pipit numbers were high in March , various types,varieties, moults and ages of these birds can be seen here feeding along the wall, road and high tide mark

March 6, 2017

Whooper Swans of Moanreel

A small flock of Whooper Swans that feed along the Inagh river system fields near Moanreel every winter.
After a week of rain the water is up to the road and a few Whooper Swans feeding close to the main road, so myself and the children went to see them.

Siskins from the window

 I awoke to find 4 Siskins on the bird feeders and for a brief moment a Redpoll 
These birds are at the end of their winter in higher ground and food is becoming scarce so they roam seeking out food ending up with other finch flocks on garden feeders

March 1, 2017

Goosanders -Corbally

I dropped in here a few weeks back and never got to see the Goosanders at the Weir.
Yesterday 2 birds out of 3 were on the Shannon above the weir in a safe spot, These birds are very wary and I had no chance at a photo at that distance, but lucky my Canon 600D has a 3x crop on video mode allowing me to get a little footage

Caspain Gull -Limerick City

The Caspain Gull has been seen around the Quays of Limerick City since mid January, favouring O`Calllahan Strand, so while in the city I dropped in and got a few shots.
It comes from the region north of the Black Sea and east to Kazakstan some birds now breed in eastern Germany and Poland, making this is a very rare bird to see in the west.
Splendid looking graceful Gull I thought , Big feet

Iceland Gull , Caspain Gull with Black headed Gull