March 25, 2010

Lough derg

Spring at Lough derg, Mallards are numerous , the great crested grebes are showing well and a first winter Common gull waits for picnic scraps...

March 16, 2010

During the day......

Grey Plover
Apart from scoping a pacific diver...the day brought , grey plover , ring billed gull, Bar tailed godwit  and red breasted merganzer

Galways` Forsters tern

A north american species , this vagrant has made Claddagh beach, Nimmo`s pier its home, hangs out with the sandwitch terns

March 7, 2010

March 6, 2010

A Pied billed Grebe at Atudaun

Choices, 2 texts during work, a Pied billed grebe at  a local lough or a Pacific diver of a point north, i decided to go for the grebe with only 2 hours light left, with luck you never know!
the bird showed well
A few distance shots.

March 4, 2010


In a hidden corner of Lough bunny , 3 whooper swans perform Swanlake

March 2, 2010

Also at the pond.....

Lots of birds at the pond, a cold morning with available food attracts a variety
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Pochard in Limerick

A few Pochard were on The pond of Westfield Marsh Limerick