December 28, 2012

Otter on the pier

An Otter was very active around Liscannor pier. At one point while thinking ahead and  getting into a position for a photo the Otter walked up the pier steps to me...had a look at me and went back was then scared off by someone standing in the open above me trying to film it via a viewcam on an ipad while shouting...ill say no more.

December 26, 2012

Little Egret

A Little Egret searches for food in a flooded field

December 10, 2012

Dipper roosting

It was nearly dark when I spotted a Dipper roosting on the cascades .
With a 5 sec shutter speed in TV and 100iso , i grabbed a bit of available light and  try something new.

Cascades ,still ,cold

A late cold Deember evening. The air was still ,the river was in good flow , darkness approaches .

Icy and Glassy

Pure Glass on a n icy Irish mornning

December 5, 2012

On a Pond

On a pond that I visit when driving bye were juvenile Tufted Ducks , a few Coots and Little Grebes were around the edges of the pond  and a small flock of Redpoll were feeding on seed in the scrub nearby. A winter feeling

December 1, 2012

Black throated Divers

Rafts of Black throated Diver have arrived for winter in Galway bay . Not a bird that you photo close up, these birds tend to be 1/2 mile out on most occasions , but being new arrivals Id say they are checking out the fishing grounds , bringing them closer to shore. I got to see over 30 of these rare Divers off Gleninagh Pier , Ballyvaughan.