Experianced Cold water Surfer, Birdaholic and Wildlife photography enthusiast from the Atlantic coast of the Burren, County Clare, Ireland. and sometimes beyond...
September 29, 2020
Ruffs, Choughs and Turtle Dove
September 26, 2020
Quilty`s Peregrine Falcon
Ive seen this Peregrine a few times over the past week hunting the shorebirds between Seafield and Quilty quite successfully. Today at Quilty beach it snatched a Sanderling in front of me and flew off with it over the reef but never reappeared , so I took a short walk over to the point. As I got there 2 Raven flew in and the Peregrine flew off straight across the bay to the reef under the church carpark. I chanced the bird would sit ,a walk back along the beach keeping an eye on the bird through the bins..when I got to the carpark I got my photos
September 23, 2020
Basking Sharks Breaching off Loop Head
I was out on the coast when I bumped into a friend that said she was going to Loop Head to see Breaching Basking Sharks, and I was showed a video of the event yesterday where 61 breaches were counted in 4 hours...ummming a arring for 10 minutes I was heading south. I decided to go to the tip of Loop Head and I got to see 5 breaches of the massive sharks
Not my video just a link to show the action
September 19, 2020
Yellow Wagtail at the lighthouse
September 14, 2020
Merlin , Gnats and a sunset
I was on Loop head late afternoon with hope of catching up with the Buff breasted Sandpipers that were seen a few hours earlier but it wasnt to be....1 Golden Plover flew over
I could see a bird perched along the cliff top down below the fields and guessed on it being a Merlin and could see cover that I could use to get quite close. I underestimated the midgdy Gnat mix of flies involved in using this cover. No shit it was intense,but the views were unreal and I settle for that ...happily . On my walk back a Starling murmuration was taking place as a Merlin rose up and plucked one.
Time to watch the sun go down at the lighthouse.
September 13, 2020
Curlew Sandpipers
September 7, 2020
Pied Flycatching with my boy
I was mouching along the coast on a Sunday afternoon and ended up at Loop Head ,which was extremely busy with the lighthouse car park full as well as the harbour and playground.I parked at the Rural where a Treecreeper came along a branch but was high up and difficult to follow, we walked the road through Kilbaha with my little boy looking for birds, We called into a regular garden where we got mini rolls and the Pied Flycatcher.Some of the lads from Limerick had caught up with Pied Flycatcher from the field at the side where we joined them for nice Pied Fly show also 6 Redpoll came to the garden
September 4, 2020
Pied Flycatcher - Kilbaha
Turned out a nice morning and the Robins were singing
A Pied Flycatcher was a nice bird to find , it was frequenting the Rusty Barn near Costellos , next to the barn is an Elderberry Bush that is attracting the juvenile Blackbirds and Song Thrush.
9 Snipe were at the pond