March 27, 2023

Fulmars - Masters of the updraft

 For many years I've shared the Ocean with the Fulmar Petrel. They can be curious toward lone Surfers , venturing close fast on the wing using the updraft across the waves or slowly approaching out of the mist tapping their feet on the water.

An early morning high tide along the cliffs at Clahane, a fine aerial display by the masters of updraft is taking place right now as other sea-going birds such as Kittiwake pass by heading to the Cliffs of Moher

March 9, 2023

5 Ring necked Duck

 5 Ring necked Ducks had been on the Kilkee reservoir for a few days and I got down after 4pm the light wasn't on my side and distant views only from the roads but still offering good scope views

3 Drakes and 2 females had joined a handful of Tufted Ducks an Teal and were great to see performing on the Pond. 

The weather was well cold in  a NE wind.

March 1, 2023

White tailed Eagles at Muchanangh

 These tagged White tailed Eagles have been wandering around the Burren loughs all week.

Ive seen plenty of these Eagles over the years and most of the time they dont do much. but never have I seen a show as this day. Even at a distance it was quite a wonderful display in the air, on the trees and on the ground