August 26, 2011

Peregrine school

On the look out for tired Waders and young Starlings a young Peregrine Falcon was taking time to form his hunt strategy, using a set back perch above a small cliff ledge and a good viewing point of Clahane shoreline the bird was patient allowing me time to climb across a few ledges and sniper up a wet field to get a few shots



August 25, 2011

Clahane Autumn cometh

Rock Pipit
Nice to see a few arrivals to the shores of Clahane, Whimbrel are stopping to feed up on journey along with Wheater ,Pied Wagtail and Common sandpiper. Rock pipits numbers seem to be increasing and im pretty certain more birds will pass through here over the coming months.
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August 15, 2011

Whimbrel shore song



Nice to here the call of the Whimbrel on our shoreline. Wader numbers are just rising into Autumn. Greenshank and Redshank are becoming more regular on the mudflats. Large numbers of Ringed plover hide between stones on the shore. The AGP was still at Doonbeg

August 8, 2011

AGP & GP juv


Traveling back from the bridges of ross i stopped at Doonbeg to see what was around. I spotted an Otter in the seaweed so i made my way across the reef, i lost the Otter but the AGP was still present and was joined by a juvenile Golden Plover

August 7, 2011

American Golden Plover

I was in hope of finding this American Golden Plover ,which was found a few days earlier around Doonbeg. The bird showed well for me .Not like the one i tried to photo last year,this bird was approachable to a certain distance, if you kept low on the stones!

August 5, 2011

Liscannor Harbour

A couple Kittiwakes circle around Liscannor Harbour looking for scraps.
A summer plumage Turnstone rock hopping the otherside of the harbour gave a nice photo op.
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