January 31, 2011

Forsters Tern

Dont leave Nimmos without it....The Forsters Tern can be found on the streatch of beach roosting with gulls and Sandwitch terns

Common Gull at Nimmos

Also at Nimmos Pier were plentyful numbers of Common Gull , here is another portrait to compare with the earlier post of a Ring billed Gull

January 29, 2011

Ring billed Gull at Nimmos

Nimmos pier is a fantastic place to photograph gulls , todays venture was to find and photo a Ring billed gull , Armed with a Canon and some breadcrumbs....he shoots he scores

January 25, 2011

Siskin season

During the end of January my garden gets visited by several Siskins who join the variety of Tits and finches that localize the feeding opputunity

January 24, 2011

Choughed with Choughs`

These Choughs are showing well at Clahane , today there were 5...perched up on the wall , flying back and for calling.

January 23, 2011

Clahane way

Water pipit

One of many Cormorants perched up and backlit at Liscannor harbour. The pair of Choughs were at Clahane again along with a Water pipit that is hard to distinguish between the Rock pipits...... i hope i have this Water pipit correct ?

January 22, 2011

Ballyalia Lake morning

On the shores and waters of Ballyalia lake ,Ennis, 32 Black-tailed Godwit rest up on a mudbank , Tufted Ducks are plentyful,, 3 White fronted Geese join a gaggle of Greylag and the Waterrail was seen well but remained impossible to photo

January 19, 2011

January 18, 2011


A first time for everything . While out walking with my 2 year old daughter at Ballyalia lake, Ennis,
We spotted this Waterrail tight in the cover of branches and weeds...."ssshhhhh" she said

January 16, 2011

Thrush around Gregans

Lots of thrush around this winter with the cold snap pushing thousands of bird south , plenty of Mistle thrush ,Blackbird ,Redwing & Fieldfare on show at Gregans wood to Slieve Elva

January 11, 2011


A very busy bird area today was the shore of Seafield,Quilty , with thousands of Dunlin , Sanderling,Turnstone & Purple sandpipers probing in the high tide seaweed

January 7, 2011

The Eagle has landed

My first White tailed Eagle, This bird known as STAR has been hanging around some local loughs, made my day to see it, this bird was born in Norway and is equiped with GPS.
Ive seen large Eagles throughout Australia , Sri Lanka & north Africa but nothing compares to this!

January 6, 2011

Blackcap in the Garden

My new addition to the bird garden , Blackcap.
I made an apple feeder and straight away it was visited by this male Blackcap which has been here for 3 days now