November 27, 2016

Bonaparte`s Gull - Clonahinchy

I came across a Bonaparte`s Gull on the small patch of beach at Clonahinchy with a rising tide that was close to the stones , the bird was not easy to approach as is wary and flighty. Not long after clocking me it went up ,south toward Lough Donnell
When we observed this bird last back in October we decided it was in late moult and losing a lot of primary feathers,this bird today is missing P 3&4 and still has a bit of moult on the nape and forehead suggesting it is the same bird that has been seen since september.

November 20, 2016

Little Egret

A Little Egret just off the road side on Tawin .
Lots of these beautiful birds in this area of Galway bay

Slavonian Grebe - Ardfry

I had planned all week to go around Galway bay and do a bit of birding. I was only saying to a fellow birder that this week could be good to checking Tawin for a returning Pacific Diver. Sure enough it showed up and was seen yesterday .
I caught up with the Diver at long range , I walked and followed but the bird was always way ahead of me, I gave up with an hour of light to spare.
I headed over to Ardfy to catch up on a Slavonian Grebe, i was losing light , the Grebe was across the water and also moving away but I was chuffed as Id never seen one before.👌✔

November 7, 2016

Twite at Clahane

I was walking along the sea road at Clahane on a crisp clear morning.
A colourful finch landed in the road and quickly flew over a garden wall." I swear that was a Twite"
I approached the wall looked over to see a Chaffinch.
I stuck around and sure enough a Twite landed on the sea wall and then headed into the rough ground along the roads and gardens, exactly the same spot where I saw one in 2009

November 5, 2016

Great White Egret

I was at Ballyalia lake near Ennis early to see if I could catch up with the Great white Egret that was seen yesterday. It  took me a while, checking the corners etc then I cast a scope out toward the island down lake that the Little Egrets roost on and this white head on long neck appeared in the reeds, found ya, now try to figure out how to go about getting a shot or 2.

November 4, 2016

Start of the winter birds

You can feel the cold coming , November showers mixed with chilly winds.
Winter visiting birds are now flooding in to the country as the north starts to enter winter.
Great Northern Divers are entering the bays and a few colour ringed  Purple Sandpipers start to turn up at Seafield.