July 6, 2021

Gannets at the Bridges of Ross

 "What do you want to do boy?"..."I want to see Gannets". I Cant say No to that.

A nice day had myself and my son walking the west coast.

We headed out of the of tourist season in Lahinch south to the Bridges of Ross where we were the only people here hanging out along the path over the bridge and on the extreme west reefs.

 We got to see a pod of Dolphins plenty of Gannets and a few Manx Shearwater.


July 4, 2021


 I was fortunate to catch up with 6 Swifts at Leamanuh Castle.

 The birds were fast around the building and very hard to photo, they all left together returned again within 15 minute intervals, Maybe all travelling to a better feeding area further afield in a summer lacking insects.

July 1, 2021

The Crows of the Cliffs at Loop Head

Choughs and Ravens are resident birds along the Cliffs of west Ireland, both species are well adapted to the extreme environment that is Loop Head.

A good walk will always find Choughs within the fields of Cows and on the Cliff edge, noisy unique birds that nest within the sea caves and feed in the fields above.

Ravens boss the air intimidating all birds. On this day parents were giving flying lessons to 3 juveniles and if you listen carefully they talk there way through this with `clunks, croaks and various barks

