December 31, 2010


Fieldfares look for berries in the hedgerows during winter , These large members of the thrush family visit us in winter migrating from scandanavia

December 29, 2010

The northside


The north coast of Clare`s waterways have a wide selection of birds that use this peaceful area , Numbers of Shovelar and other ducks on the ponds , Red breasted Merganzers habit the quiet calm saltwaters , Little Egrets habit the edges of both looking for food
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December 25, 2010


The cold continues and birds which you dont normally get a chance of photographing are having to let down there guard down , such as this Woodcock at Blackhead. Ive been trying for years for these pics, and xmas day. Thanks

December 23, 2010

A cold morning? Ducks

On an unfrozen part of the river Fergus, a pool of ducks and swans mill about , a Fox hopes on maybe a duck for lunch.
Goldeneye share the pools with Tufted duck, Mallard,Goosander & Whooper swans....its -10 below
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December 15, 2010

my first birdwatch days

Heres myself in the 70`s, alwlays among the birdlife, wish i could get this close to a Merganzer now!
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December 13, 2010

Goosanders at Lahinch bridge

The Goosanders were back around Lahinch, i found them this morning heading up river at the bridge to only be scared of by dogs

December 12, 2010

Wildfowl about Clare

North clare is very busy with a good variety of wildfowl, Teal and Widgeon in hundreds, Whooper swan and Brent geese are numerous.
Even a Black swan was at Lough Muree , probaly an escapie.
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December 9, 2010

Goosanders in Lahinch

Lahinch again, its the weather,its so calm and cold.Three female Goosander busy forage around the rocks at quick speed , Cregg beach , Lahinch .
A couple of ID shots,

December 6, 2010

Red throated Diver in the shallows

It may be -6 , but that doesnt stop me from getting down in the shallows for this superb winter plumage Red throated Diver, i went home happy

December 5, 2010

Lahinch bay shoreline

Early morning on the shoreline of Lahinch bay , a flock of 50 Common Scoter feed just behond the waves , i was lucky to catch a lone Red throated Diver  just inside of them

December 4, 2010

Redpolls at Clahane

Clahane attracts a variety of birds , mainly Gulls ,waders and pipits, but in surrounding fields and shrub , every season can get you a suprise finch , this week was 3 Redpoll

December 3, 2010

Cold days, A pair of Snipe

Its nice sometimes to  walk the country lanes near to home , to cold to go far , but with finches and thrushes in the hedgerows,Woodcock and Snipe forage among leaves on the field edges.