February 25, 2019

A walk down the Falls

We often take a walk down Ennistymon Falls as a family.
Its a good place for the kids to see Dippers ,which were nest building.
A pair of Mistle Thrush and pair of Robins were active along the river.
Spring is in the air

February 22, 2019

Ring necked Duck at Ballyalia

I some how missed out on a Ring necked Duck in Limerick 4 days ago, I seen it as my best chance of getting a good photo of this Species but it wasnt to be.
So this morning  I took the chance of looking for the Ballyalia lake bird that had been around a while.It took me some time to find  and Im quite happy to settle with some record shots.

February 20, 2019

Ring billed Gull on the slipway

Always nice to catch up with a Ring billed Gull on the slipway in Limerick City.
I seen a few here over the years , nearly always on a dirty rainy day.

February 15, 2019

February tradition-- Ringed Brent Geese

It becoming a february tradition that I find a Ringed Brent Goose at Clahane.
This bird was among a small flock of !8 birds present this morning on the  reef.
I send these sightings into Graham Mcewaine of the Brent Geese reasearch group and we should get a bit of info later on