December 23, 2018

Vilamoura Reedbeds , Algarve

On arriving at the hidden entrance to this park we got to see Marsh Harrier and Booted Eagle before we started our walk in.
Waxbills ,Fan tailed Warblers and plenty of get away quick Passerines were along the red mud path in as was a splendid Booted Eagle perched in a tree
A few Thekla Lark, Mipits, Pied Wagtail and Stonechat were in the muddy field near to the 1st birdhide.
In the morning the 1st hide faces into the sun and is backlit. Purple Swamphen, Coot, Marsh Harrier, Little Grebe, Grey Heron and flitty Chiffchaffs were seen
The path carries on past some agriculture fields where Corn Buntings were numerous.
The 2nd hide gave us superb views of  Purple Swamphen, Coot and Little Grebe but nothing else.
On route back a female Black headed Weaver showed up in the branches ( an ID nightmare)
Booted Eagle

Corn Bunting

Thekla Lark

Purple Swamphen

Black headed Weaver ( female)