September 14, 2019

Wilsons Phalarope, SemiP & Pectoral Sandpiper

With not much movement of birds out west here in Clare and with a day off and the promise of good weather I Twithed and hit the road at 4am and headed across country to Tacumshin Wexford , not long after 7am I was wading through the swamp.
I caught up with two local lads KG & AMcM who were looking at a Pectoral Sandpiper on the east side and we headed out past the Patches to find the Wilsons Phalarope up in the Forgotten corner. A Marsh Harrier past over the reeds
On my way back I got good views of the Semipalmated Sandpiper and easy 10 Curlew Sandpiper.
And that was just up to 10;30 am

Pectoral Sandpiper

Star of the show the Wilsons Phalarope

SemiP in with Dunlin

Curlew Sandpipers a little deeper than the Dunlin


After mid day I did a short spell along the eastside,came back and headed over to The Forgotten corner from the other side,
I easily approached looked over the reeds to see the Wilsons Phalarope on a small mud patch with a stack of Redshank and Knot, not exactly what you want due to Redshank panic attacks, add the back light and WaterRails pig squeeling around me and Peregrine Bombs it was some challenge to obtain shots.

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