January 31, 2017

Lough Atedaun in the rain

I sat in the rear of my vehicleusing the back door as shelter from the rain overlooking Lough Atedaun. using my video setting on my 600D which works kind of well at low light and distance
The Great White Egret was showing well over the other end of the lough and is great bird to have  here
Lapwings, Teal and Wigeon made up the numbers. A Hooded Crow pestered a Marsh Harrier out above the lough, it moved past downlight, I followed in the binoculars as it swooped into where the ducks were feeding across the lough.then there was birds everywhere in the air, I lost the Marsh Harrier but these 25 Pintail came into the reed bed closest to the carpark.

Marsh Harrier