As the weeks go by Ive learned so much from these Owls, Ive seen 3 Owlets successfully leave the nest and crawl along branches up in the Copse ,Calling especially at night, Ive seen 1st flights, hunting and feeding behavior (mostly after dark), flyovers, calls and Claps...But...there is one thing i am not certain with , the sexes of the Owls.
The larger Older looking `Oranger`one that roosts openly at the north end of the copse nearer the nest site, we believe to be the female.
This Owl in the photos roosts at the south end of the copse which is more dense and is seen less during the day, it seems a touch smaller and duller in colour with larger ears and has a bit more of a savage attitude, we believe this to be the Male.
But It could be the other way....