January 27, 2022

Water Pipit at Clahane

  My old friend Geoff Pearson called me yesterday to say that he had an unusuallly light coloured Pipit on the Seaweed at Clahane , I arrived and the Pip was on the seaweed in the corner standing out, as I got out of the car the bird vanished as an oncoming westerly wind  churned up and I failed to see it again.

This morning was a lot clearer and the Water Pipit was again on the seaweed, but moving around to the field often being chased by the Rock Pipits and the handful Meadow Pipits in the rock field. I noticed it had damage to one of the tail-slide feathers which helps ID the bird in the crowds . Also as other Pipits, Wagtails, Redshanks, Starlings etc all go up together when startled, on a few occasion's this bird stayed very still on the seaweed .